Do You Feel Unfairly Treated Or Punished During Deportation? You May Have Legal Redress

Deportation is a heartbreaking situation for people who have settled in a country and made it their home. That said, these individuals have broken the law. However, unfair punishment may be possible, and if it is happening to you, you need to contact an immigration lawyer.

President Trump's New Immigration Laws Are Causing More Deportations

The sweeping changes to immigration concurrent with the Donald Trump presidential administration have resulted in a larger crackdown on illegal immigration. People who may have been allowed into the country or tolerated because of their benefits to the country are more likely to be deported than they were before his policy changes.

This is not a political statement but a simple fact. Immigration Control has even reported that their efforts to deport more people have been more successful under President Donald Trump. As a result, people like you may find yourself in a difficult situation. Unfortunately, you may be mistreated while you are being deported and receive unfair punishment.

Proportionate Punishment Is A Right For Deportees

Proportionate punishment is the concept of getting appropriate punishment for the crime that you have committed. In a deportation case, this punishment should be limited to being removed from the country and being prosecuted for any crimes you may have committed while in the country.

However, some human rights experts believe that these punishments are a violation of civil rights and may be disproportionate to your crimes. This fact is particularly true if you committed no other act besides moving to the country and are being charged with crimes you didn't commit.

Fighting Deportation May Be Tough

While you may not be able to fight your deportation from the country, you should still contact an immigration lawyer if you believe you are being unfairly punished. Even if you are not a citizen of the country, you have basic human rights and should be treated in a fair manner. If you are being separated from family members or charged with crimes you didn't commit, you deserve help.

Again, these are not political statements but an admission of fact. While it's not likely that ICE officials are behaving purposefully terrible to people that are being deported, their veal for pursuing justice may blind them behaviors and actions that could be damaging to people like you who are being deported to their original country.

So if you are stuck in a tough situation and feel like you are being mistreated, contact an immigration lawyer right away. These professionals can sort out your case and fight to get unfair charges dropped against you. And even if you can't stay in this country, you can at least avoid criminal charges or punishment that does not fit your crime.

Reach out to a firm like The Ortiz Law Firm for more help.
